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Elementary Dictionary



parts of speech:
noun, adjective, verb
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part of speech: noun
pronunciation: suhb jekt
definition 1: A subject is the thing that you are talking or writing about, or the area that you are interested in.
Jake is usually quiet but not when he talks about his favorite subjects: sports and rocks.Kathryn likes to read books on the subject of ghosts.
definition 2: A subject is one of the areas that people study in school. Reading, spelling, science, and math are some of the subjects that children study.
Theo's sister is studying Spanish in high school. Spanish is her favorite subject.
similar words:
area, course, study
definition 3: A subject is one of the main parts of a sentence. A subject can be one word or more. In the sentence "My dad told me a joke," the subject is "my dad." "My dad" is the subject because it is "my dad" who does the action of telling the joke. In the sentence "The red house on the corner is my house," the subject is "the red house on the corner." It is the subject because it is what the rest of the sentence is describing.
The teacher wrote sentences on the board and the students had to tell what the subjects were.
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definition 4: A subject is a person who is controlled by a ruler, like a king, queen, emperor, or empress.
The new king was kinder to his subjects than the old king was.
definition 5: A subject is a person or animal that is studied as part of an experiment.
Mice are often used as subjects in scientific experiments.
part of speech: adjective
pronunciation: suhb jekt
definition 1: When you are subject to someone or something, you have to act according to what they wish or require.
The workers are subject to the authority of the boss.People can't always do exactly what they want because they are subject to rules and to the law.
bound by
similar words:
definition 2: If your plans are subject to your mother's approval, it means that your plans depend upon her approval. If she says you can do what you plan, then you can. If she doesn't agree with your plan, then you can't do it.
Going on a school field trip is always subject to the approval of each child's parents.
dependent on
definition 3: If you are subject to colds, it means that you often get colds or you are more likely than other people to get a cold.
Nicola's dad is subject to headaches.
similar words:
part of speech: verb
pronunciation: sb jekt
inflections: subjects, subjecting, subjected
definition 1: When someone subjects another person to something bad, it means that they make them experience or go through it.
The guards subjected the prisoners to harsh punishments.
definition 2: When you subject yourself to something, you make yourself open to it.
By wearing funny clothes, Josh subjected himself to the laughter of the other kids.
derivations: subjectable (adj.), subjectability (n.), subjection (n.)
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  knowledge, learn, literature, monarchy
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