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s port
parts of speech:
verb, noun
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part of speech: verb
inflections: supports, supporting, supported
definition 1: When something supports another thing, it holds it up. It holds its weight and keeps it from falling down.
The branch wasn't strong enough to support Logan, and it broke.The tent won't fall down because it's supported by strong poles that have been pounded into the ground.
bear, brace, uphold
definition 2: When you support someone, you help them when they are having trouble.
When Emma's neighbors were sick, her mom helped support their family. She made meals for them and did the grocery shopping.Maya supported her friend Tina when Tina was upset last week. She said a lot of things that made Tina feel better.
similar words:
cheer, encourage, help, reassure, uphold
definition 3: If something supports you, it gives you the things you need to live. When parents support children, they give them the things they really need, such as shelter, food, and clothing.
This factory supports hundreds of people who live in this town by giving them jobs.When parents are poor, it can be difficult for them to support their families.
provide for, take care of
definition 4: When something supports a statement or claim, it gives evidence to help show that it is true.
What the witness said supported the suspect's story.The teacher said that Tim needed to support his argument with some facts.
similar words:
confirm, establish
definition 5: If people support you, they agree with you and show others that they agree. If you support a cause, you agree with it and do things to help it.
Julia's friends supported her when she ran for class president.My mom volunteers for an organization that supports rights for animals.
similar words:
defend, promote
part of speech: noun
definition 1: If something gives support, it holds another thing up. If someone gives support to another person, they help them in some way.
These sturdy legs give strong support to the heavy table.When my uncle died, my mom and dad gave a lot of support to my aunt.Support from voters in this city helped the younger candidate win the election.
definition 2: When a thing is called a "support," it is something that holds another thing up. A table's supports are its legs, for example. If someone is a support to you, it means that they are someone who gives you support. They help you with things and keep you from sinking down into a bad condition.
Supports for the bridge are sunk deep into the bed of rock under the river.My dad uses a cushion as an extra support for his back.Alana was a support to her mother after her mother's surgery.
similar words:
base, basis, resource, rest
derivations: supportless (adj.), supportingly (adv.)
Word Builder: support +
  • supporting:
    giving support to a person or thing.
  • supportive:
    giving help to someone who needs it.
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  care, family, first aid, foot, muscle, skeleton
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