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Elementary Dictionary


parts of speech:
verb, noun
try on
part of speech: verb
inflections: tries, trying, tried
definition 1: When you try to ride a bicycle for the first time, you get on the bicycle and do what you can to make it move. When you try to do something, you do what you can in order to do it even though you might not succeed.
The first time Sophie tried to roller skate, she fell a lot, but now she skates really well.Kelvin's little brother tried to hide under the bed, but everybody could see his feet!
similar words:
risk, seek, tackle
definition 2: When you try something, you test it to see if you like it or if it will do what you want.
Greg said he'd never eaten mushrooms before. When he tried one, he was surprised that he liked it.Lily's mom tried a new recipe for chicken, but everybody liked her old recipe better.The letters Jason painted for his sign were too thin, so he tried a fatter brush.Mr. Hunt tried all of his keys, but none of them opened the door to the shed.
sample, test
similar words:
analyze, consider, evaluate, examine, experience, judge
definition 3: When someone is tried, it means that they are put on trial in a court of law. When someone is put on trial, it means that there is evidence that this person might be guilty of a crime. It is the purpose of the court to decide if the person is guilty or innocent.
The man was arrested and will be tried for robbery.
similar words:
hear, judge, sentence
definition 4: When you try, you make an effort.
You might not succeed, but you should at least try!
similar words:
aim, push, struggle
part of speech: noun
inflections: tries
definition: A try is an effort or attempt.
Jacob made a good try, but he didn't win the race.
attempt, effort
similar words:
crack, essay, go, push
phrase: try on