Word Explorer
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Elementary Dictionary



ba di
Word Explorer
part of speech: noun
inflections: bodies
definition 1: A body is all the parts that make up a person or animal.
Your arms, legs, chest, back, and head are some of the parts of your body.
similar words:
figure, form, frame, person
definition 2: Sometimes the word "body" means the main part of an animal's or person's body. It does not include the head, arms, and legs.
A lizard has a long body and short legs.
definition 3: The body of a thing is the main part of it.
The engine of the car works fine, but the body needs paint.
similar words:
kernel, majority
definition 4: A body of water is a particular area of water on the earth. Lakes, oceans, and rivers are all bodies of water. A body of land is an area of land, like an island or a continent. Bodies of water and land often have names.
The Great Lakes are five very large lakes between Canada and the U.S.
similar words:
area, territory
definition 5: A body is a group of people or things thought of as a whole. All the children in a school are the student body.
Once a week, the principal talks to the whole student body.
similar words:
core, crowd, group, mass
Word Explorer
automatic reactions of the body
conventionally associated with the body
some accessories for the body
some activities of the body
some conditions of the body
some descriptions of the body
some kinds of damage to the body
some movements of the body
some parts of the body
some positions of the body
some representations of the body
some terms for the shape of the body
some things that affect the body
some things that are done to the body
some things that are produced by the body
some things the body is able to do