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Elementary Dictionary

turn down

part of speech: phrase
definition 1: When you turn down the radio, you lower the volume and make it less loud. If your dad turns down the heat in the house, he lowers the level of the heat in the house. When you turn down something, you make the level of it less.
The TV was too loud, so I turned it down.My grandfather turned down the air conditioning in the car because it was getting too cold.The temperature in the oven was too high, so my mom turned it down.
dim, lower
turn up
definition 2: If someone turns down something, they say "no" to it. They don't accept the thing that someone else is offering them. If you turn down a third piece of pizza, you say "no" when someone asks if you want it.
Mr. Lowell was offered a job at the hospital, but he turned it down. He decided he didn't want to work there.Sara had to turn down the invitation to her friend's party because her family was leaving for vacation on that day.