machinery |
machines in general. [3 definitions] |
machinist |
a person who has skill in using, repairing, or building machines. |
Mackenzie River |
a river in Canada flowing from Great Slave Lake west and north toward the Arctic Ocean. |
mackerel |
a fish that has dark marks that look like waves on its back and a silver underside. Mackerel live in the Atlantic Ocean and are used for food. |
macron |
a mark ( - ). It is placed over a vowel to show that the vowel is long. |
mad |
crazy; insane. [6 definitions] |
Madagascar |
an island country in the Indian Ocean off the coast of southern Africa. Antananarivo is the capital of Madagascar. |
madam |
(sometimes capitalized) a polite word to use when talking to a woman. |
madame |
a formal or polite way to address a married woman. (abbreviation: Mme.) |
made |
past tense and past participle of "make." |
mademoiselle |
a French title for a girl or woman who is not married. The abbreviation is Mlle. |
made-up |
not real or true; invented. [2 definitions] |
Madrid |
the capital city of Spain. |
magazine |
a printed collection of stories, pictures, articles, and advertisements. Magazines come out weekly, monthly, or at some other regular period of time. [2 definitions] |
magenta |
the color that comes from mixing red and purple paint. |
maggot |
the larva of flies and certain other insects. Maggots do not have legs or wings. |
magic |
mysterious control of physical forces or events through spells or special ceremonies. [4 definitions] |
magical |
of or made by magic. |
magician |
a person who has skill in magic and entertains people with magic tricks. |
magma |
hot, liquid matter beneath the earth's surface that cools to form igneous rock. Magma that reaches the earth's surface, as when a volcano erupts, is called lava. |
magnesium |
a light, silver-white metal that is a chemical element. It burns brightly when heated and is used for making fireworks. (symbol: Mg) |