absolutely |
precisely; exactly. [2 definitions] |
absorb |
to take in or soak up. [3 definitions] |
absorbent |
capable of absorbing. [2 definitions] |
absorption |
the act of absorbing or state of being absorbed. [2 definitions] |
abstain |
to choose to refrain from something, esp. from actions or things considered to be unhealthy or unwise. [2 definitions] |
abstract |
existing as something without material form or substance. [13 definitions] |
absurd |
extremely contrary to rational thought; illogical; ridiculous. [3 definitions] |
absurdity |
the condition or quality of being absurd. [2 definitions] |
abundance |
an amount that is more than enough; a very plentiful quantity. [2 definitions] |
abundant |
large in amount or number; plentiful. [2 definitions] |
abuse |
to use in an improper or incorrect manner; misuse. [7 definitions] |
abyss |
a vast, unmeasurable space; bottomless pit. [2 definitions] |
acacia |
any of several tropical trees of the mimosa family, some of which produce the commercially useful gum arabic. [2 definitions] |
academic |
of or concerning a school or university. [4 definitions] |
academy |
an institution of learning, often private or specialized. [2 definitions] |
accelerate |
to cause (a particular activity or process) to happen faster. [4 definitions] |
acceleration |
the act or process of accelerating. [2 definitions] |
accelerator |
a mechanical device that regulates the speed of something, esp. the gas pedal of a car. [3 definitions] |
accent |
relative prominence of a syllable within a particular word; stress. [8 definitions] |
accentuate |
to emphasize; draw attention to. [2 definitions] |
accept |
to receive, esp. willingly. [6 definitions] |