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abyss a vast pit, too deep to be measured.
acacia a tree that grows in tropical areas of the world, especially in parts of Africa and Australia. The branches of an acacia spread out very wide and evenly across the top. Sometimes the top of the tree looks almost flat.
academic having to do with a school. [3 definitions]
academy a private school or a school that offers special training.
accelerate to increase the speed or rate of. [2 definitions]
acceleration the act or process of accelerating or increasing speed.
accelerator a mechanical device that controls the speed of something, especially the gas pedal of a car.
accent the stress a speaker gives to one syllable in a word. [5 definitions]
accentuate to give more emphasis to; draw attention to.
accept to take when given; receive willingly. [5 definitions]
acceptable good enough to be accepted or approved of.
acceptance the act of accepting something that is given. [2 definitions]
accepted generally considered correct or normal. [2 definitions]
access a way of approaching or coming to a place. [4 definitions]
accessible able to be entered. [2 definitions]
accessory an item added on to something else to make it prettier, more complete, or more useful. [2 definitions]
accident reasons or causes that are not planned by anyone. [2 definitions]
accidental happening by chance; not planned or expected.
accidentally without intention or planning.
acclaim to show enthusiastic approval of. [2 definitions]
accommodate to have room for, or to make room for. [3 definitions]