accent |
the stress a speaker gives to one syllable in a word. [5 definitions] |
accentuate |
to give more emphasis to; draw attention to. |
accept |
to take when given; receive willingly. [5 definitions] |
acceptable |
good enough to be accepted or approved of. |
acceptance |
the act of accepting something that is given. [2 definitions] |
accepted |
generally considered correct or normal. [2 definitions] |
access |
a way of approaching or coming to a place. [4 definitions] |
accessible |
able to be entered. [2 definitions] |
accessory |
an item added on to something else to make it prettier, more complete, or more useful. [2 definitions] |
accident |
reasons or causes that are not planned by anyone. [2 definitions] |
accidental |
happening by chance; not planned or expected. |
accidentally |
without intention or planning. |
acclaim |
to show enthusiastic approval of. [2 definitions] |
accommodate |
to have room for, or to make room for. [3 definitions] |
accommodation |
the act or process of accommodating. [2 definitions] |
accompaniment |
a part of a piece of music that supports or provides background for another, more important part. [2 definitions] |
accompany |
to go with. [3 definitions] |
accomplice |
a person who helps another person break the law or do something wrong. |
accomplish |
to do or complete; carry out; achieve. [2 definitions] |
accomplishment |
the act of accomplishing. [2 definitions] |
accord |
agreement; harmony. [4 definitions] |