accomplice |
a person who helps another commit a crime or wrongful act. |
accomplish |
to succeed in doing or finishing, esp. something that requires effort. [3 definitions] |
accomplishment |
the act of accomplishing. [3 definitions] |
accord |
balanced interrelationship; agreement; harmony. [6 definitions] |
accordance |
agreement; compliance. [2 definitions] |
according to |
in accord with or consistent with [2 definitions] |
accordion |
a portable musical instrument having a keyboard and a pleated bellows that forces air through metal reeds to produce tones. [2 definitions] |
account |
a story or report; narrative. [16 definitions] |
accountant |
a person who examines and maintains the financial records of individuals or businesses. |
accumulate |
to amass; collect. [2 definitions] |
accumulation |
the act or process of accumulating; collection. [3 definitions] |
accuracy |
the condition or quality of being accurate. |
accurate |
free of mistakes or error. [2 definitions] |
accurately |
with accuracy; correctly; precisely. |
accusation |
an act of accusing. [2 definitions] |
accuse |
to charge with a crime or wrongdoing. |
accustom |
to cause (oneself or another) to become used to something through use or experience. habituate. |
accustomed |
adapted to or in the habit of (usu. fol. by "to"). [2 definitions] |
ace |
a playing card or die face that bears only one spot. [7 definitions] |
ache |
to produce or experience a dull, constant pain. [4 definitions] |
achieve |
to reach or carry through successfully; accomplish. [3 definitions] |