acquire |
to come to possess, esp. gradually over time. [2 definitions] |
acquit |
to clear (someone) of a charge or accusation, as in a court of law. [3 definitions] |
acre |
a unit of area equal to 43,560 square feet or 4,047 square meters, used in measuring land. [2 definitions] |
acreage |
an area or areas of land measured in acres; acres collectively. [2 definitions] |
acrobat |
a person who performs feats of balance and physical dexterity. |
acrobatic |
having to do with acrobats or feats of balance and skill. |
acronym |
a type of abbreviation used as a word and pronounced as a word. An acronym is formed by combining the initial letters (or initial parts) of a string of words. The pronunciation of an acronym is based on the typical rules of pronouncing words in a language and is not made up of the sounds of the names of individual letters. The abbreviations "AIDS," "FICA," and "PIN" are acronyms, but the abbreviations "FBI," ATM," and "DVD" are not. |
acrophobia |
an overwhelming fear of high places. |
across |
from one side or end to the other of. [6 definitions] |
acrylic |
of or characteristic of the corrosive liquid acrylic acid. [2 definitions] |
act |
something done, esp. a specific instance; deed. [14 definitions] |
action |
something that is done, is being done, or will be done. [8 definitions] |
action verb |
a verb that shows its subject performing some action. "Run," "eat," "fly," and "sing" are examples of action verbs. |
activate |
to initiate action in; make active. [6 definitions] |
active |
constantly doing something; busy; energetic. [7 definitions] |
actively |
in a way that involves making an effort, taking action, or participating; not passively. |
activist |
one who advocates a cause with vigor or militance. |
activity |
the condition or state of being active. [4 definitions] |
actor |
one who plays roles in dramatic productions on stage, in films, or on radio and television. [2 definitions] |
actress |
a woman or girl who plays roles in dramatic productions. |
actual |
truly existing or happening, not just potentially or in the imagination. [3 definitions] |