adder2 |
a small poisonous snake found in Europe and Asia; viper. [2 definitions] |
addict |
one who depends on or craves a habit-forming substance, such as a drug. [4 definitions] |
addiction |
the condition of being addicted, esp. to a narcotic substance. |
addition |
the act or process of adding. [3 definitions] |
additional |
more; added. |
additive |
involving, related to, or produced by addition. [2 definitions] |
address |
the place where one resides, designated by the number and name of the street or road and the name of the city, state, or province. [9 definitions] |
add up |
to bring one to a logical conclusion; to make sense. [2 definitions] |
add up to |
equal (a certain sum) or point to (a logical conclusion) when looked at together. |
adenoid |
(usu. pl.) a mass of tissue between the nose and the throat that, when swollen, can hinder breathing. [2 definitions] |
adept |
having great skill or ability; proficient. [2 definitions] |
adequate |
sufficient in quantity; enough. [3 definitions] |
adhere |
to stick or cling firmly, as by gluing (usu. fol. by "to"). [3 definitions] |
adhesive |
able or likely to adhere; clinging; sticky. [2 definitions] |
a dime a dozen |
(informal) plentiful and easily obtainable; common; cheap. |
adios |
good-bye; farewell. |
adjacent |
near or next to; adjoining. |
adjective |
in grammar, a word that modifies a noun or noun equivalent. [2 definitions] |
adjoin |
to be next to; abut. [2 definitions] |
adjoining |
touching at some line or point; having a common wall, border, or the like; contiguous. |
adjourn |
to end or temporarily discontinue the proceedings of (a meeting or the like). [3 definitions] |