adjust |
to bring to a more desirable, fitting, or correct state, relationship, position, or the like. [5 definitions] |
adjustment |
the act or process of adjusting. [3 definitions] |
ad-lib |
to make up or do without preparation; improvise (something spoken, sung, or played). [3 definitions] |
administer |
to manage, execute, or be in charge of. [5 definitions] |
administration |
the act of directing or managing. [3 definitions] |
administrator |
a person who manages, esp. business or public affairs; executive; bureaucrat. [2 definitions] |
admirable |
worthy of being admired; excellent. |
admiral |
a naval commissioned officer of the highest rank; the commander of a fleet or squadron. [2 definitions] |
admiration |
a feeling of wonder, awe, or deep respect. [2 definitions] |
admire |
to hold in high esteem; respect. [2 definitions] |
admirer |
a person who holds another person or a thing in high esteem. [2 definitions] |
admission |
the act, process, or result of allowing entry. [4 definitions] |
admit |
to grant entry. [4 definitions] |
admittance |
the act or process of entering or admitting. [2 definitions] |
admonish |
to caution or warn. [3 definitions] |
adobe |
a building material of sun-dried clay mixed with straw, usu. made into bricks. [3 definitions] |
adolescence |
the period between puberty and adulthood. [2 definitions] |
adolescent |
of the period between puberty and adulthood. [3 definitions] |
adopt |
to take on as one's own (a manner, style, or point of view). [3 definitions] |
adoption |
the act or fact of becoming the legal parent of another person's child, or the act or condition of being thus adopted as another's child. [2 definitions] |
adorable |
utterly charming; extremely cute. [2 definitions] |