admonish |
to warn or caution. [2 definitions] |
adobe |
a building material of clay mixed with straw that has been dried by the sun and made into bricks. [2 definitions] |
adolescence |
the period in a person's life between childhood and adulthood. |
adolescent |
having to do with the period when a person is changing from a child to an adult. [2 definitions] |
adopt |
to become a parent of (a child) by law, or to accept an animal as a pet and become responsible for it. [3 definitions] |
adoption |
the act of adopting a child or being adopted by law. |
adorable |
very cute or charming. |
adore |
to honor and worship for being divine. [3 definitions] |
adorn |
to add beauty to; decorate. |
Adriatic Sea |
the part of the Mediterranean Sea that lies between Italy on the west and the Balkan Peninsula on the east. Some of the countries on the Balkan Peninsula that lie on the Adriatic Sea are Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Croatia. |
adrift |
moving or floating without being steered; drifting; not anchored. [2 definitions] |
a drop in the bucket |
a small amount compared to what is needed. |
adult |
having grown up; mature. [4 definitions] |
adulthood |
the part of life when a person is grown up; the adult years. |
advance |
to move or send forward. [8 definitions] |
advanced |
beyond an early or beginning level, or beyond the level of others; in a very developed state. [2 definitions] |
advancement |
a moving forward or being moved forward; progress. [2 definitions] |
advantage |
a better chance or position; upper hand. [2 definitions] |
advantageous |
giving a benefit or advantage; helpful; useful. |
adventure |
a journey or activity that is dangerous or exciting. [2 definitions] |
adventurous |
willing to take risks in order to find excitement; daring. [2 definitions] |