aesthetic |
of or relating to beauty or to the study of beauty and its forms. [3 definitions] |
afar |
at, to, or from a distance; far off. [2 definitions] |
a far cry |
a long way; quite different. |
a few |
a small number of things or people. |
affable |
easygoing and pleasant in manner and conversation; friendly. |
affair |
an occurrence, event, matter, or happening. [6 definitions] |
affect1 |
to influence, cause a change in, or have an impact on. [4 definitions] |
affect2 |
to imitate, often in a pretentious manner; feign. |
affection |
a feeling of warmth and fondness for someone or something. [2 definitions] |
affectionate |
feeling or showing affection. |
affiliate |
to associate or connect (oneself) as a subordinate member or branch (usu. fol. by "with"). [4 definitions] |
affirm |
to firmly declare (something), or to state or maintain (something) as true. [2 definitions] |
affirmative |
affirming. [4 definitions] |
affirmative action |
a policy or program, supported by U. S. government regulations, to give equal opportunity in employment, college admissions, and the like to those considered previously disadvantaged, such as women and certain racial minority groups. |
affix |
to attach or join physically (usu. fol. by "to"). [5 definitions] |
afflict |
to cause physical or mental suffering to. |
affliction |
a condition of pain or suffering, or the cause of such a state. |
affluent |
having material wealth. [3 definitions] |
afford |
to have enough money to purchase (something); be able to meet (an expense). [3 definitions] |
affordable |
able to be obtained without excessive sacrifice of money or without incurring serious consequences. |
affront |
an openly insulting deed or remark. [4 definitions] |