afternoon |
the period between noon and evening. [2 definitions] |
aftershock |
a small earthquake or a series of small earthquakes that follows a larger one and that originates at or near the same epicenter. |
afterward |
at a subsequent time; subsequently. |
Ag |
symbol of the chemical element silver. |
again |
another time. [5 definitions] |
again and again |
a great many times; repeatedly. |
against |
in the opposite direction, or in a way that is contrary to. [5 definitions] |
agate |
a type of quartz with cloudy patches or bands of color. [2 definitions] |
age |
the length of time that a person or thing has existed. [11 definitions] |
aged |
being old or advanced in years. [5 definitions] |
ageism |
discrimination on the basis of age, esp. against the elderly or middle-aged. |
agency |
an organization, franchise, or business that acts on behalf of others. [4 definitions] |
agenda |
a list of things to be done or discussed. |
agent |
a person with authority to perform certain actions on behalf of another. [5 definitions] |
aggravate |
to make worse. [2 definitions] |
aggression |
unprovoked hostile action against a country by another's military forces. [3 definitions] |
aggressive |
characterized by hostility in action. [2 definitions] |
aghast |
filled with terror or consternation; shocked. |
agile |
quick and graceful in physical movement; nimble. [2 definitions] |
agility |
the quality or state of being agile. |
agitate |
to cause to move briskly or with force. [3 definitions] |