agony |
intense and often prolonged physical or mental suffering. [3 definitions] |
agree |
to have the same opinion (often fol. by "with," "on," "as to," or "about"). [6 definitions] |
agreeable |
pleasing or likable. [2 definitions] |
agreement |
the act of reaching, or the state of having reached, a common understanding or harmony of opinion. [5 definitions] |
agricultural |
having to do with agriculture or farming. |
agriculture |
the raising of crops and livestock, or the science connected with improving the processes involved. |
agronomy |
the study and application of scientific methods of soil management and field crop production; scientific agriculture. |
ah |
used to express surprise, joy, pain, agreement, dislike, and other emotions or reactions according to the context. |
aha |
an exclamation, usu. of surprise, mockery, or triumph. |
ahead |
in front of; in advance of. [6 definitions] |
ahoy |
a greeting to attract attention or hail a ship. |
aid |
to provide assistance, help, or relief to. [4 definitions] |
aide |
a military officer who serves as confidential assistant to a commanding officer such as a general. [2 definitions] |
acronym of "acquired immune deficiency syndrome," a serious viral disease of the body's immune system, transferred through blood, sexual contact, contaminated hypodermic needles, or the like. |
ail |
to distress or cause illness or discomfort to. [2 definitions] |
ailment |
a sickness or disorder, usu. physical; illness. |
aim |
to point carefully (usu. a weapon), with the intention of hitting a target. [8 definitions] |
aimless |
characterized by or having no purpose. |
ain't |
(informal) contracted form of "am not," "is not," "are not," "have not," or "has not." |
air |
the tasteless, odorless, and colorless mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, and other gases that forms the earth's atmosphere. [8 definitions] |
air bag |
a bag in the front of some automobile interiors that inflates automatically in a collision and prevents the passengers from being thrust forward. |