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aide any assistant or person who gives support.
AIDS a serious disease caused by a virus that stops the body from being able to protect itself from other diseases. "AIDS" stands for "acquired immune deficiency syndrome."
ail to trouble or cause pain to. [2 definitions]
ailment a sickness or disorder; illness.
aim to point carefully with the hope of hitting something or someone. [6 definitions]
aimless having no purpose or goal.
ain't (informal) a contraction of "am not," "is not," "are not," "have not," or "has not."
air the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth. Air is made up of oxygen, nitrogen, and other gases, and has no taste, odor, or color. [6 definitions]
air bag a bag in the front of some cars that blows up with air instantly in a crash to stop the passengers from being thrown forward.
air conditioner a machine that cools the air in a room or car. An air conditioner also takes the dust and dampness out of the air.
air conditioning a system that cools air and takes dust and dampness out of it. Air conditioning is used inside buildings and cars.
aircraft any machine that can fly through the air, such as an airplane, helicopter, glider, or balloon.
aircraft carrier a very large ship with a flat deck on which airplanes can take off and land.
air force the branch of a nation's armed forces that trains and fights using aircraft.
airline a system of transportation that allows people to fly from one place to another, or a business that owns and operates the equipment to do this.
airliner a large airplane used to fly people from one place to another.
airmail of or having to do with mail sent by air. [5 definitions]
airplane a machine that can fly because of the force of air upon its wings; plane. An airplane is driven by propellers or a jet engine.
airport a large area of level land where airplanes can land and take off.
air pressure the force of air on things. Air pressure has to do with how much force air has when it has been compressed into a space like a tire. It is also the pressure of the earth's atmosphere.
airship an aircraft that is lighter than air and can be steered. An airship has an engine and is filled with gas.