airship |
a lighter-than-air aircraft, with its own propulsion system and steering control. |
airsick |
nauseated because of air travel; suffering from airsickness. |
airstrip |
an airfield or landing strip, usu. unpaved and without the personnel or equipment of an airport; runway. |
airtight |
preventing the entrance or exit of air. [2 definitions] |
airy |
open to the flow of air; breezy. [5 definitions] |
aisle |
any passageway, as between sections of seats in a theater or sections of shelves in a store. [2 definitions] |
ajar1 |
partly opened, as a hinged door, window, or lid. |
AK |
abbreviation of "Alaska," a U.S. state on the northwestern coast of North America between the Bering Strait and Canada. |
akimbo |
with hand on hip and elbow pointed away from the body. [2 definitions] |
akin |
related by blood; kin. [2 definitions] |
-al1 |
characterized by; of or pertaining to. |
-al2 |
act; action; process. |
Al |
symbol of the chemical element aluminum. |
AL |
abbreviation of "Alabama," a southeastern U.S. state located between Georgia and Mississippi. |
Alabama |
a southeastern U.S. state located between Georgia and Mississippi. (abbr.: AL) |
alabaster |
a dense, fine-grained gypsum, often white and translucent, that is often carved for ornaments and figurines. [5 definitions] |
alarm |
a sudden apprehension marked by distress or anxiety. [5 definitions] |
alarm clock |
a clock with a bell or buzzer that can be set to sound at a chosen time. |
alas |
used to express regret, sorrow, or grief. |
Alaska |
a U.S. state on the northwestern coast of North America between the Bering Strait and Canada. (abbr.: AK) |
Albania |
a Balkan country bordered by Greece, North Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, and the Adriatic Sea. |