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allegory a device in art or literature by which abstract moral or spiritual qualities are represented by concrete characters, things, and events. [2 definitions]
allergic of or pertaining to a state or condition of allergy. [3 definitions]
allergy a pathological state of extreme sensitivity to certain substances, causing respiratory difficulties, skin rashes, and other problems.
alleviate to make more bearable; ease.
alley1 a narrow street or passage between or behind buildings, esp. in a city. [5 definitions]
alliance the act of allying or condition of being allied. [3 definitions]
allied related or similar in nature. [3 definitions]
alligator either of two large crocodilian reptiles found in China and the southeastern United States and distinguished by their short broad snouts.
alliteration repetition of the same consonant sound in the stressed or initial syllables of words in a phrase or sentence.
allot to designate (an amount) to be used or given out. [2 definitions]
all over with completely finished; over.
allow to permit; let; [5 definitions]
allowance that which is allowed. [3 definitions]
alloy a combined form of two or more metals, or of a metal with a nonmetal, sometimes using an inferior ingredient with a more costly one. [5 definitions]
all-purpose useful for many purposes; versatile.
all right meeting minimum standards; satisfactorily. [5 definitions]
all-round all-around.
all-star made up entirely of superior performers. [2 definitions]
all the same nevertheless; nonetheless. [2 definitions]
all thumbs not well coordinated or dextrous, esp. in using the hands; clumsy.
allude to refer to indirectly or in passing (usu. fol. by "to").