allot |
to designate (an amount) to be used or given out. [2 definitions] |
all over with |
completely finished; over. |
allow |
to permit; let; [5 definitions] |
allowance |
that which is allowed. [3 definitions] |
alloy |
a combined form of two or more metals, or of a metal with a nonmetal, sometimes using an inferior ingredient with a more costly one. [5 definitions] |
all-purpose |
useful for many purposes; versatile. |
all right |
meeting minimum standards; satisfactorily. [5 definitions] |
all-round |
all-around. |
all-star |
made up entirely of superior performers. [2 definitions] |
all the same |
nevertheless; nonetheless. [2 definitions] |
all thumbs |
not well coordinated or dextrous, esp. in using the hands; clumsy. |
allude |
to refer to indirectly or in passing (usu. fol. by "to"). |
allure |
to attract by appealing to desires or wishes; tempt. [4 definitions] |
all wet |
completely wrong; mistaken. |
ally |
to unite or connect in a formal alliance (usu. fol. by "to" or "with"). [5 definitions] |
almanac |
a published collection of interesting and useful facts about many different subjects. [3 definitions] |
almighty |
having absolute power; all-powerful, as a deity. [3 definitions] |
almond |
a tree of the rose family that is native to warm temperate regions, closely related to the cherry. [6 definitions] |
almost |
not quite all; nearly. |
aloft |
in or toward a high location. |
aloha |
in Hawaii, a welcome, hello, or good-bye. [2 definitions] |