all over with |
completed; finished. |
allow |
to let; permit. [2 definitions] |
allowance |
a sum of money given on a regular basis or allowed for a particular purpose. |
alloy |
a substance made by mixing two or more metals or a metal and another substance. |
all-purpose |
used in many different ways. |
all right |
in a satisfactory but not outstanding way; well enough. [4 definitions] |
all-round |
all-around. |
all-star |
made up entirely of the best players or performers. |
all the same |
however; in any case. [2 definitions] |
all thumbs |
awkward, especially with the hands; clumsy. |
allude |
to mention (usually followed by "to"). |
allure |
to attract strongly by appealing to people's inner wishes; tempt. [3 definitions] |
all wet |
completely wrong. |
ally |
to join or unite for a particular purpose (usually followed by "to" or "with"). [2 definitions] |
almanac |
a book of interesting and useful facts about many different subjects. [2 definitions] |
almighty |
having complete power or the most power. [2 definitions] |
almond |
a small tree related to the cherry tree that grows in warm areas and produces seeds that can be eaten. [3 definitions] |
almost |
not quite all; nearly. |
aloft |
high above the ground. |
aloha |
a Hawaiian word used for saying either "hello" or "goodbye." |
alone |
apart from everyone or everything else. [3 definitions] |