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anonymous of unknown identity, as an author or donor. [2 definitions]
another being one more just like the others; an additional. [5 definitions]
answer a reply, or the information that is sought after. [9 definitions]
answering machine a device connected to a telephone that records an incoming message from a caller when the telephone is not answered.
-ant causing or performing (such) an action. [4 definitions]
ant any of certain ground-dwelling insects that live in colonies of complex organization.
antacid neutralizing or correcting acidity. [2 definitions]
antagonism a state of being opposed; hostility. [2 definitions]
antagonist a person who contends or fights with another; enemy, competitor, or adversary. [3 definitions]
antagonize to bring on the hostility of; make an enemy of. [2 definitions]
Antarctic the land mass or seas at or near the South Pole; Antarctica or the Antarctic Ocean (prec. by "the").
antarctic of, at, near, or pertaining to the South Pole.
Antarctica the land mass that surrounds the South Pole.
Antarctic Ocean the waters surrounding Antarctica at the southern confluence of the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans.
anteater any of several toothless mammals such as the aardvark and pangolin that feed mainly on ants or termites by means of a long, sticky tongue.
antecedent occurring before; previous. [4 definitions]
antelope any of several ruminant mammals of Africa or Asia, having long legs and long, hollow horns. [3 definitions]
antenna a metal device that sends or receives electromagnetic signals. [2 definitions]
anthem a song of praise or patriotism. [2 definitions]
anther in botany, the part of a flower's stamen that bears pollen.
anthill a mound produced by ants in making their nest.