appraise |
to judge the quality or nature of. [2 definitions] |
appreciate |
to be grateful for or to. [4 definitions] |
appreciation |
a feeling of thanks. [3 definitions] |
apprehend |
to catch and place under arrest. [2 definitions] |
apprehension |
fear about what may happen. [3 definitions] |
apprehensive |
feeling fearful about future events. |
apprentice |
someone who works for somebody else to learn that person's skill or trade. [2 definitions] |
approach |
to come or go near to. [6 definitions] |
approachable |
friendly to others; easily approached. |
appropriate |
right for the purpose; proper. [2 definitions] |
approval |
the act of approving. [2 definitions] |
approve |
to consider good or right. [3 definitions] |
approximate |
nearly exact or correct. [4 definitions] |
approximately |
about; almost exactly. |
Apr. |
abbreviation of "April." |
apricot |
a soft round fruit with fuzzy, pale orange skin. [2 definitions] |
April |
the fourth month of the year. April has thirty days. |
April Fools' Day |
the first day of April, when friendly tricks and jokes are played on people. |
apron |
a garment that covers all or part of the front of the body. An apron is worn to protect the clothing underneath. |
apt |
right for a particular situation; appropriate or suitable. [3 definitions] |
apt. |
abbreviation of "apartment." |