arithmetic |
the simplest form of mathematics consisting of the theory and computation of whole numbers, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, evolution, and involution. [3 definitions] |
Arizona |
a southwestern U.S. state between California and New Mexico. (abbr.: AZ) |
ark |
(sometimes cap.) according to the Old Testament, a large boat built by Noah to preserve life during the Flood. [4 definitions] |
Arkansas |
a south central U.S. state between Mississippi and Oklahoma. (abbr.: AR) |
arm1 |
either of the two upper limbs of the human body, between the shoulders and the wrists. [3 definitions] |
arm2 |
(usu. pl.) weapons, esp. those that shoot or explode. [7 definitions] |
armada |
a fleet of armed ships. [2 definitions] |
armadillo |
a burrowing nocturnal mammal of the southern United States and South America, whose body is armored by jointed, bony plates. |
armament |
weapons and supplies used to equip a military unit such as a tank, warship, airplane, or the like. [4 definitions] |
armchair |
a chair having supports at the sides for resting one's arms. [2 definitions] |
armed forces |
all the military forces of a nation or group of nations. |
Armenia |
a Near Eastern country between Georgia and Turkey; formerly a republic of the Soviet Union. [2 definitions] |
armistice |
an agreement by warring parties to suspend hostilities; truce. |
armor |
a suit of leather or mail, formerly used to protect the body in warfare. [5 definitions] |
armored |
wearing or being covered by armor or armor plate. [2 definitions] |
armory |
a place where military weapons and equipment are manufactured or stored. [2 definitions] |
armour |
a spelling of "armor" used in Canada and Britain. See "armor" for more information. |
armoury |
a spelling of "armory" used in Canada and Britain. See "armory" for more information. |
armpit |
the hollow formed beneath the arm where it joins the body. |
army |
(sometimes cap.) the military land force of a nation. [3 definitions] |
aroma |
a pleasant odor, such as that of spices, herbs, or food; fragrance. [3 definitions] |