articulated lorry |
(chiefly British) a very large truck, consisting of a cab and freight-hauling trailer, that carries goods over long distances; tractor-trailer; semi. |
artifact |
any object made by human beings, esp. one of an earlier era. [2 definitions] |
artificial |
created by human beings. [3 definitions] |
artificial intelligence |
research in and development of computer programs that imitate human thought processes such as reasoning or decision-making. |
artificial respiration |
the resumption or continuation of a person's breathing, as by forcing air into and out of the person's lungs. |
artillery |
mounted large-caliber weapons, such as cannons or rocket launchers, used in land warfare and manned by a crew. [3 definitions] |
artisan |
a person skilled in making things, esp. with the hands; craftsperson. |
artist |
a person who is skilled at painting, sculpting, music, writing, or the like. [3 definitions] |
artistic |
of or relating to art or artists. [3 definitions] |
art room |
a room in a school where art is taught and where art materials are kept. |
As |
symbol of the chemical element arsenic. |
as1 |
equally; to the same extent or degree. [11 definitions] |
abbreviation of "as soon as possible" (sometimes pronounced as an acronym.) |
asbestos |
one of two forms of a mineral that can be separated into fibers, is not combustible, and is resistant to chemical action, used to make fireproofing and insulating materials. [2 definitions] |
ascend |
to go upward; climb; rise. [5 definitions] |
ascent |
the act of going up; rise. [4 definitions] |
ascertain |
to come to know (some information) with complete certainty, especially through a process of investigation; determine. |
ash1 |
the soft residue that remains after combustion. [3 definitions] |
ash2 |
any of a group of trees that are related to the olive and have winged seeds and compound leaves. [2 definitions] |
ashamed |
having feelings of shame, guilt, or embarrassment. [3 definitions] |
ashore |
to or onto the shore. [2 definitions] |