As |
symbol of the chemical element arsenic. |
as1 |
in equal measure; to the same extent. [7 definitions] |
abbreviation of "as soon as possible." |
asbestos |
a mineral that separates into fibers and does not catch fire or conduct electricity. Asbestos is used to make fireproof materials and insulation. |
ascend |
to go upward; climb; rise. [2 definitions] |
ascent |
the act of going up; climb; rise. [2 definitions] |
ascertain |
to learn without question; determine. |
ash1 |
the soft gray powder that is left after something has been burned. |
ash2 |
a tree that is related to the olive tree. It has seeds that look like wings and leaves of more than one part. [2 definitions] |
ashamed |
feeling shame or guilt for doing something wrong or foolish. [3 definitions] |
ashore |
to or onto the shore. [2 definitions] |
ashtray |
a small bowl or other container used for depositing ashes from burning tobacco such as in cigarettes, cigars, or pipes, and also used for stamping out the ends of cigarettes or cigars when one is finished smoking. |
Asia |
the largest continent. Asia is surrounded by the Pacific, Indian, and Arctic Oceans, the Red Sea, and eastern Europe. It is in the Eastern Hemisphere. |
Asian |
of or having to do with Asia, or its people or languages. [2 definitions] |
Asian American |
of or having to do with American people of Asian origin, or their history or culture. [2 definitions] |
aside |
on or toward the side. [3 definitions] |
aside from |
except for; besides. |
as if |
how it would be if. |
ask |
to put a question to. [5 definitions] |
askew |
not straight; crooked. [2 definitions] |
asleep |
sleeping. [3 definitions] |