Au |
symbol of the chemical element gold. |
aubergine |
(chiefly British) a plant cultivated for its fruit, or the dark purple, ovoid fruit itself, which is eaten as a vegetable; an eggplant. [2 definitions] |
auburn |
a medium brown or reddish brown color. |
auction |
a public sale at which prospective buyers bid for goods and merchandise. [2 definitions] |
audacity |
courage or boldness, often accompanied by a degree of recklessness or arrogance; daring. [3 definitions] |
audible |
heard or able to be heard. |
audience |
a group of people gathered to hear and sometimes to see a performance, speech, or the like. [3 definitions] |
audio |
of, concerning, or employing sound. [4 definitions] |
audio- |
sound or hearing. |
audiovisual |
having both sound and a picture, as does a film. [2 definitions] |
audition |
a trial performance by an actor, musician, or dancer. [5 definitions] |
auditorium |
a large room in which performances, speeches, and the like are given in front of an audience, or a building housing such a space. |
auditory |
of or pertaining to hearing or the sense of hearing. |
Aug. |
abbreviation of "August," the eighth month of the Gregorian calendar year, having thirty-one days. |
auger |
a tool used by carpenters for boring holes in wood. |
augment |
to make greater in size, degree, or amount; intensify by adding. [2 definitions] |
August |
the eighth month of the Gregorian calendar year, having thirty-one days. |
auk |
any of a group of web-footed, short-winged sea birds that live in colder parts of the Northern Hemisphere and are skilled at swimming and diving. |
aunt |
the sister of one's mother or father. [2 definitions] |
auricle |
the visible, projecting portion of the ear. [3 definitions] |
aurora australis |
the aurora of the Southern Hemisphere, seen esp. near the South Pole; southern lights. |