Ave. |
abbreviation of "Avenue." |
avenue |
a wide street. |
average |
a usual amount or kind; something that is not outside the ordinary. [7 definitions] |
average out |
to amount to an arithmetic average (usually followed by "to"). [2 definitions] |
avert |
to turn away or aside. [2 definitions] |
aviation |
the act, practice, or science of flying airplanes. |
aviator |
a person who flies an aircraft; pilot. |
avid |
having an eager desire for; greedy. [2 definitions] |
avocado |
a tropical American fruit shaped like a pear. It has a green or black skin and a yellowish green pulp. |
avoid |
to keep away from. |
await |
to wait for; look forward to. [2 definitions] |
awake |
to wake from sleep. [5 definitions] |
awaken |
to wake from sleep. [2 definitions] |
award |
to give as a prize or honor. [3 definitions] |
aware |
knowing or careful (usually followed by "of"). |
away |
in or to another direction. [6 definitions] |
awe |
a very strong feeling of wonder mixed with respect or fear. [2 definitions] |
awesome |
causing awe. |
awful |
very bad; terrible; of poor quality. [2 definitions] |
awfully |
very; extremely. [2 definitions] |
awhile |
for a short time. |