await |
to wait for; look forward to. [2 definitions] |
awake |
to wake from sleep. [5 definitions] |
awaken |
to wake from sleep. [2 definitions] |
award |
to give as a prize or honor. [3 definitions] |
aware |
knowing or careful (usually followed by "of"). |
away |
in or to another direction. [6 definitions] |
awe |
a very strong feeling of wonder mixed with respect or fear. [2 definitions] |
awesome |
causing awe. |
awful |
very bad; terrible; of poor quality. [2 definitions] |
awfully |
very; extremely. [2 definitions] |
awhile |
for a short time. |
awkward |
without physical skill or grace; clumsy. [3 definitions] |
awl |
a tool used to make holes in leather or wood. Awls are small and have a sharp point. |
awning |
a cover made of canvas or other material that is placed over a door or window. An awning keeps out sun and rain. |
awoke |
past tense of "awake." |
awoken |
a past participle of "awake." |
ax |
a tool with a blade attached to the end of a long handle. An ax is used for chopping wood. |
axis |
a real or imaginary line through the center of an object, around which the object turns. [2 definitions] |
axle |
a bar or shaft on which a wheel or wheels turn. |
aye |
yes. [2 definitions] |
AZ |
abbreviation of "Arizona." |