away |
in or to another direction. [7 definitions] |
awe |
a very strong feeling of wonder, reverence, or fear, caused by something grand or powerful. [2 definitions] |
awesome |
causing awe. [2 definitions] |
awful |
very bad; inferior. [4 definitions] |
awfully |
very; extremely. [2 definitions] |
awhile |
for a brief period. |
awkward |
deficient in physical skill or grace; clumsy. [4 definitions] |
awl |
a small, sharply pointed tool used to make holes in leather, wood, or the like. |
awning |
a protective structure, often made of canvas, erected over a door or window. |
awoke |
past tense and past participle of awake. |
awoken |
a past participle of awake. |
ax |
a heavy cutting tool with a blade mounted at the end of a long handle, used esp. for chopping wood. [4 definitions] |
axis |
a straight line that serves as the unmoving center about which a body or figure turns. [4 definitions] |
axle |
a supporting bar or shaft on which, or by means of which, a wheel or wheels turn. |
aye |
yes (usu. used for an oral vote). [2 definitions] |
AZ |
abbreviation of "Arizona," a southwestern U.S. state between California and New Mexico. |
azalea |
any of several shrubs related to the rhododendron, often cultivated for its brightly colored flowers. |
Azerbaijan |
a Near Eastern country on the Caspian Sea between Iran and Russia; formerly a republic of the Soviet Union. |
Aztec |
a member of an Indian people who had an advanced civilization in central Mexico before the Spaniards conquered them in 1519. [4 definitions] |
azure |
the color of a clear blue sky; sky blue. [2 definitions] |
B |
symbol of the chemical element boron. |