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axis a real or imaginary line through the center of an object, around which the object turns. [2 definitions]
axle a bar or shaft on which a wheel or wheels turn.
aye yes. [2 definitions]
AZ abbreviation of "Arizona."
azalea a shrub with dark green leaves and brightly colored flowers.
Azerbaijan a country on the Caspian Sea between Iran and Russia. The capital of Azerbaijan is Baku.
Aztec a member of an Indian people who had an advanced civilization in central Mexico before Spain conquered it in 1519.
azure the color of a clear blue sky. [2 definitions]
B symbol of the chemical element boron.
b the second letter of the English alphabet. [3 definitions]
Ba symbol of the chemical element barium.
B.A. a college degree earned after four years of study. "B.A". is an abbreviation of "Bachelor of Arts."
baa to make the sound of a sheep; bleat. [2 definitions]
babble to speak without making sense. [5 definitions]
babe a baby.
baboon a large monkey that has a long snout like a dog's. Baboons live on the ground in large groups in Africa and Arabia. They can be powerful fighters.
baby a very young girl or boy; infant. [6 definitions]
baby boom the great increase in the population of the United States that took place between 1946 and 1960.
babysit to take care of children while their parents are away.
babysitter a person who takes care of children when their parents are not with them.
baby tooth one of the first set of teeth in human babies and other mammals. Baby teeth fall out early in life to be replaced by adult teeth.