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back the part of a human or other vertebrate that is on the opposite side from the chest and abdomen and between the neck and the tailbone. [15 definitions]
back and forth moving backward then forward, or forward then backward, often repeatedly. [2 definitions]
backboard a board at the rear of something, serving as a support. [2 definitions]
backbone the series of bones that run along the center of the back; spinal column; vertebrae. [3 definitions]
backfire to emit a loud noise as the result of inefficient functioning of the engine of a car or other internal-combustion vehicle. [4 definitions]
backgammon a board game in which each of two opponents throws dice and tries to move several pieces clockwise around and eventually off the board.
background a part located in the rear, esp. as depicted in a painting, photograph, or scene. (Cf. foreground.) [5 definitions]
backhand a forward movement made with the back of the hand outward, as in a slap or a stroke with a tennis racket. [5 definitions]
backhoe an excavating vehicle with a large metal bucket that is drawn toward the vehicle in a digging motion.
back out of to withdraw from prematurely. [2 definitions]
backpack a pack used to carry objects, esp. camping gear, on one's back; knapsack. [3 definitions]
back road (often pl.) a country road or local road that avoids traffic as well as high speed travel.
back seat a seat or seating area behind other seats, esp. of a vehicle.
backstroke a stroke made with the back of the hand outward, as in tennis. [3 definitions]
backward in the direction of or to the rear or back. [8 definitions]
backward and forward in depth; completely; thoroughly.
backyard an open area behind a house that is part of the homeowner's property.
bacon a fatty, smoked, and salted form of pork, taken from the back and side of the pig.
bacteria pl. of bacterium. Bacteria are one-celled microscopic organisms of various shapes that are often agents of fermentation and putrefaction and that, in some cases, cause disease.
bacterium any of a large group of one-celled microscopic organisms of various shapes that are often agents of fermentation and putrefaction and that may cause disease.
bad of low quality or desirability; unsatisfactory. [9 definitions]