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Bahamas (used with a plural verb) a chain of islands southeast of Florida. [2 definitions]
Bahrain an island country in the Persian Gulf off the coast of Saudi Arabia. The capital of Bahrain is Manama. [2 definitions]
bail1 money left with a court to make sure that a person who is set free after arrest will return for trial. [3 definitions]
bail3 to remove water from a boat by scooping.
bail out (informal) to jump from an airplane with a parachute.
bait food used to attract and catch fish or animals. [4 definitions]
bake to cook using dry heat at a medium oven temperature. Things such as bread, cookies, and pies are baked. [3 definitions]
baker a person who bakes.
bakery a store in which baked goods, such as bread, cake, and pastry, are made or sold.
bake sale an event in which baked items, such as cookies and cupcakes, are sold in order to raise money for a particular cause.
baking powder a powder that is used to raise dough or batter during baking.
baking soda a white powder used to raise dough or batter during baking. It is also used to settle an upset stomach.
balance an instrument for weighing objects that has two flat pans hanging from or resting on a bar; scales. [6 definitions]
balanced not going too far in any one extreme; keeping things in proper proportion. [2 definitions]
balcony a platform with a low wall or railing that extends from the outside of a building. [2 definitions]
bald having little or no hair on the head. [2 definitions]
bald eagle a large eagle of the United States and Canada that is dark brown with a white head and tail. Bald eagles have a wingspan of about seven feet.
bale a large, tightly packed bundle tied together with cord or wire.
baleen the bony, flexible strips in the upper jaws of whales that feed by filtering food from ocean water. These whales use baleen to strain large amounts of small food such as shrimp from the water.
balk to stop suddenly and refuse to go on. [3 definitions]
Balkan Peninsula a European peninsula between the Adriatic Sea on the west and the Black and Aegean Seas on the east. Some of the countries on the Balkan Peninsula are Greece, Macedonia, Albania, Croatia, Serbia, and Bulgaria.