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ballgame a game played with a ball on a field.
balloon a large bag made of thin material designed to inflate and be lifted off the ground when filled with hot air or a gas that is lighter than air. [8 definitions]
ballot a piece of paper on which a voter enters his or her vote. [6 definitions]
ballpoint a pen that has a small ball in its tip which transfers ink from a reservoir to the writing surface; ballpoint pen.
ballroom a large room used for dancing, as in a hotel, club, or mansion.
balsa a tree of tropical America, the wood of which is extremely light in weight. [2 definitions]
balsam fir an evergreen tree of the pine family, native to Canada and the northeastern United States, which is cut for pulpwood and Christmas trees and from which Canada balsam is derived.
Baltic Sea a sea between Sweden on the west and Poland and the Baltic States on the east.
bamboo any of several tropical grasses that have hard, woody, hollow stems and grow to the height of a tree. [2 definitions]
ban1 to forbid, usu. officially; prohibit. [3 definitions]
banana the long, curved, fleshy fruit of any of several tropical treelike plants. [2 definitions]
band1 a group of people, animals, or objects acting together. [4 definitions]
band2 a thin strip of flexible material that binds several objects together. [4 definitions]
bandage a strip of fabric used to protect or bind a wound or other injury. [3 definitions]
Band-Aid trademark for a small strip of adhesive tape that holds a gauze pad for covering minor wounds. [3 definitions]
bandanna a large handkerchief with a brightly colored design, sometimes worn on the head or neck.
B and B abbreviation of "Bed-and-Breakfast," an establishment offering lodging and breakfast. [2 definitions]
bandit a robber, esp. a member of a band that robs travelers and vehicles en route. [3 definitions]
bang a sudden, loud, explosive sound. [9 definitions]
Bangladesh a country surrounded by India on three sides and the Indian Ocean on the fourth.
Bangladeshi of or pertaining to Bangladesh or its people, culture, or the like. [2 definitions]