bat mitzvah |
in the Jewish faith, a ceremony in which it is recognized that a girl has come of age to accept her religious responsibilities. [2 definitions] |
baton |
a staff denoting position or authority. [4 definitions] |
battalion |
a military unit usu. comprising a headquarters company and two or more infantry companies; the basic unit of a division. [2 definitions] |
batter1 |
to beat hard and repeatedly, or to damage by so beating. [3 definitions] |
batter2 |
a thick mixture of liquid, flour, eggs, and other ingredients, often baked into bread or cake. |
batter3 |
the person who stands in to bat the ball in baseball or cricket. |
battering ram |
a heavy wooden beam used by warriors in former times to break through doors, walls, gates, or the like. [2 definitions] |
battery |
a device that generates electricity by means of chemical reactions. [5 definitions] |
battle |
a hostile and violent meeting between two opposing sides; fight. [5 definitions] |
battlefield |
the area in which a battle takes place. |
battleground |
a battlefield. |
battlement |
(often pl.) a parapet or defensive wall lining the top of a fortification, with indentations at regular intervals. |
battleship |
one in a category of large, heavily armored military ships. |
bawl |
to cry or shout in a loud and insistent voice. [3 definitions] |
bawl out |
(informal) to scold or reprimand harshly. |
bay1 |
a body of water partly surrounded by land, esp. a recessed area along a shoreline; large cove. |
Bay of Bengal |
a bay of the Indian Ocean bordered largely by India, Bangladesh, and Myanmar. |
bayonet |
a knifelike weapon that attaches to the muzzle end of a rifle for use in close combat. [3 definitions] |
bayou |
a marshy lake or slow-moving or stagnant river tributary, found esp. in the southeastern United States. |
bazaar |
a street market or market area lined with vendors, esp. in the Middle East. [3 definitions] |
B.C.1 |
abbreviation of "before Christ" (used in designating dates in history, now usually replaced by "BCE," "before the common era"). |