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bawl to cry or shout in a loud and insistent voice. [3 definitions]
bawl out (informal) to scold or reprimand harshly.
bay1 a body of water partly surrounded by land, esp. a recessed area along a shoreline; large cove.
Bay of Bengal a bay of the Indian Ocean bordered largely by India, Bangladesh, and Myanmar.
bayonet a knifelike weapon that attaches to the muzzle end of a rifle for use in close combat. [3 definitions]
bayou a marshy lake or slow-moving or stagnant river tributary, found esp. in the southeastern United States.
bazaar a street market or market area lined with vendors, esp. in the Middle East. [3 definitions]
B.C.1 abbreviation of "before Christ" (used in designating dates in history, now usually replaced by "BCE," "before the common era").
Be symbol of the chemical element beryllium.
be to remain in a state of existence; have reality; exist. [10 definitions]
be- to cause to be; treat as; make (used to change nouns, adjectives, and intransitive verbs into transitive verbs). [3 definitions]
beach the land at the edge of a body of water, usu. sandy and sometimes part of a swimming area; shore. [2 definitions]
beach ball a large inflatable ball of brightly colored plastic, usu. used for games played in or near the water.
beacon a signal of light that guides or gives warning, often located in an elevated position. [7 definitions]
bead a small, generally round object, usu. made of glass, wood, or the like with a hole through its center for stringing to make necklaces or for decorating clothing. [8 definitions]
beagle a small, short-legged hound with long ears and a smooth coat, usu. having black, tan, and white markings.
beak the hard structures forming a bird's bill. [3 definitions]
beaker a wide-mouthed drinking cup or container. [3 definitions]
beam a long, heavy timber or piece of metal or stone used as a major support in a building. [8 definitions]
bean the edible seed or seed pod of several types of leguminous plants. [5 definitions]
bear1 to carry. [9 definitions]