bedpan |
a shallow pan used as a toilet by a person who cannot get out of bed. |
bedraggled |
dirty, wet, or limp from having wandered or been dragged through mud and water. [2 definitions] |
bedrock |
the solid layer of rock in the earth's surface, found beneath soil, sand, or gravel. |
bedroom |
a room used for sleeping. |
bedside |
the space beside a bed, especially of a sick person. [2 definitions] |
bedspread |
a covering for a bed. |
bedtime |
the usual time when a person goes to bed or is supposed to go to bed. |
bee |
an insect with a hairy body, four wings, and sometimes a stinger. Some kinds of bees live in social groups, and some live alone. Many bees drink nectar from flowers. |
beech |
a tree that has smooth, gray bark and nuts that people can eat. |
beef |
meat from a cow or steer. [2 definitions] |
beefsteak |
a slice of beef for frying or broiling. |
beehive |
a shelter in which bees live. [2 definitions] |
beekeeper |
one who raises bees. |
been |
past participle of "be." |
beep |
a short, high sound that serves as a signal. A beep is made by an electronic device or a car horn. [3 definitions] |
beer |
an alcoholic drink made of hops and malt. [2 definitions] |
beeswax |
the wax made by bees in building their honeycombs. |
beet |
a plant whose leaves and fleshy dark red root can be eaten. |
beetle1 |
an insect with a pair of hard front wings that covers a pair of thin wings. There are many different kinds of beetles. Japanese beetles, ladybugs, and fireflies are beetles. |
befall |
to take place; happen. [2 definitions] |
before |
at an earlier time; in the past. [6 definitions] |