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beetle1 any of several insects with two pairs of wings, of which the front pair is hard and covers the rear pair when the wings are at rest. [2 definitions]
befall to take place; happen. [2 definitions]
before at an earlier time; in the past. [8 definitions]
beforehand in advance; at a previous time; earlier.
befriend to be or act as a friend to.
beg to ask for (food, money, or other necessities) as charity or as a gift. [4 definitions]
began past tense of begin.
beggar one who begs, esp. as a means of survival. [4 definitions]
begin to perform the first step in a process; start. [6 definitions]
beginning (sometimes pl.) the first part or origin of a thing or process; start. [2 definitions]
begonia a tropical plant of which some species are cultivated as houseplants, bearing bright, waxy flowers of various colors and having leaves that are often varicolored or veined.
begun past participle of begin.
behalf support; aid (preceded by " in" or "on" and followed by "of"). [2 definitions]
behave to act or function in a certain way. [3 definitions]
behavior the actions and reactions of a group, person, animal, or thing, either characteristically or under specific circumstances. [2 definitions]
behaviour a spelling of "behavior" used in Canada and Britain. See "behavior" for more information.
behead to cut off the head of, usu. as a means of execution.
beheld past tense and past participle of behold.
behind in or at the back of; on the other side of. [10 definitions]
behind bars in jail or prison.
behind one's back when one is not present; secretly.