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behind one's back when one is not present; secretly.
behind the scenes not in view or on display; in private; in secret.
behold to see or observe. [2 definitions]
beige the color that comes from mixing tan and gray paint.
Beijing the capital city of China. The city is also called Peking.
being the state or fact of living or existing. [2 definitions]
Belarus a country in Europe that is bordered by Poland, Lithuania, Russia, and Ukraine. The capital of Belarus is Minsk.
belated too late; tardy.
belch to release gas from the stomach through the mouth in a noisy burst; burp. [3 definitions]
belfry a tower of a church or other building in which a bell is hung; bell tower.
Belgium a country in northwestern Europe. Brussels is the capital of Belgium.
Belgrade the capital city of Serbia.
belief a strong opinion. [3 definitions]
believe to accept as honest or true. [2 definitions]
believe in to be completely certain that something really exists or is true. [2 definitions]
Belize a Central American country on the Caribbean Sea, bordered by Guatemala and Mexico. The capital of Belize is Belmopan. [2 definitions]
bell a hollow metal cup that makes a ringing sound when struck. [2 definitions]
belligerent having a fighting character; aggressive. [2 definitions]
bellow to make the deep, loud cry of a bull. [4 definitions]
bellows (used with a singular or plural verb) a bag that can be expanded to draw air in and squeezed to force air out. Bellows are used to blow air on a fire or produce sound on a musical instrument.
belly the front of a person or underside of an animal; stomach.