belch |
to release gas from the stomach through the mouth in a noisy burst; burp. [3 definitions] |
belfry |
a tower of a church or other building in which a bell is hung; bell tower. |
Belgium |
a country in northwestern Europe. Brussels is the capital of Belgium. |
Belgrade |
the capital city of Serbia. |
belief |
a strong opinion. [3 definitions] |
believe |
to accept as honest or true. [2 definitions] |
believe in |
to be completely certain that something really exists or is true. [2 definitions] |
Belize |
a Central American country on the Caribbean Sea, bordered by Guatemala and Mexico. The capital of Belize is Belmopan. [2 definitions] |
bell |
a hollow metal cup that makes a ringing sound when struck. [2 definitions] |
belligerent |
having a fighting character; aggressive. [2 definitions] |
bellow |
to make the deep, loud cry of a bull. [4 definitions] |
bellows |
(used with a singular or plural verb) a bag that can be expanded to draw air in and squeezed to force air out. Bellows are used to blow air on a fire or produce sound on a musical instrument. |
belly |
the front of a person or underside of an animal; stomach. |
bellybutton |
(informal) the navel. |
belong |
to have a proper or appropriate location. [4 definitions] |
belonging |
the condition of being comfortable and friendly with others. [2 definitions] |
belong to |
to be owned by. [2 definitions] |
below |
in or to a lower place; beneath. [3 definitions] |
below the belt |
not fair. |
belt |
a strip of cloth, leather, or other material worn around the waist. [3 definitions] |
bench |
a long seat for two or more people. [4 definitions] |