beneficial |
having a good or favorable effect; helpful. |
benefit |
an object, action, or sum of money that improves someone's life; aid. [4 definitions] |
Bengali |
a language spoken mainly in eastern India and Bangladesh. |
Benin |
a country on the west central coast of Africa between the countries of Togo and Nigeria. The capital of Benin is Porto-Novo. |
bent1 |
not straight. [4 definitions] |
be on to |
(informal) to have inside information about. |
be out of |
to no longer have (something that is normally available). |
Berber |
a group of languages spoken by many people in northern Africa, especially in the countries of Morocco and Algeria. |
beret |
a soft, round, flat cap with a snug headband. A beret does not have a visor. |
Bering Sea |
a northern arm of the Pacific Ocean that lies between Russia and Alaska. |
Berlin |
the capital city of Germany. Between 1945 and 1990 the city was divided into East Berlin and West Berlin. For most of that time the Berlin Wall, a concrete and wire barrier, separated East and West Berlin. |
berry |
any of several small, juicy fruits that do not have a pit, such as the strawberry, raspberry, or blueberry. [2 definitions] |
berth |
a shelf or bunk for sleeping on a ship or train. [2 definitions] |
beryllium |
a hard, light, gray substance that is one of the chemical elements. Beryllium is sometimes combined with other elements to form an alloy. It is also used in building rockets. (symbol: Be) |
beseech |
to make an important or urgent request to; beg. |
beset |
to attack from all sides; besiege. |
beside |
next to; at the side of. [2 definitions] |
beside oneself |
very upset or excited. |
besides |
also; in addition. [3 definitions] |
beside the point |
not important to the main object of interest or discussion. |
besiege |
to surround with soldiers in order to attack or capture. [2 definitions] |