blacktop |
a substance such as asphalt, used as pavement. [2 definitions] |
black widow |
a small spider of North and South America. The female has a shiny, black body with a red mark on her underside and a venomous bite. |
bladder |
an organ inside the body that collects urine. The bladder gets larger when it fills and smaller when it becomes empty. |
blade |
the cutting part of a knife, sword, scissors, or saw. [4 definitions] |
blame |
to place responsibility on for a mistake or fault. [3 definitions] |
blank |
without marks or writing. [6 definitions] |
blanket |
a thick piece of material used on a bed for warmth or worn as clothing. [3 definitions] |
blare |
to sound loudly and harshly. [2 definitions] |
blast |
a powerful and sudden gust or stream. [6 definitions] |
blastoff |
the launching of a spacecraft or missile. |
blaze1 |
a bright flame or light. [4 definitions] |
blaze2 |
a spot or mark on a tree to show a trail. [3 definitions] |
bleach |
to make white or lighter in color by using a chemical or sunlight. [3 definitions] |
bleacher |
(usually plural) a group of benches in rows that are placed one above another. Bleachers are used to seat people at indoor and outdoor sports events. |
bleak1 |
bare, cold, or not protected from the weather. [2 definitions] |
bleat |
the sound made by a goat, sheep, or calf. [4 definitions] |
bled |
the past tense and past participle of "bleed." |
bleed |
to lose blood. [3 definitions] |
blemish |
to damage or spoil the perfection of. [3 definitions] |
blend |
to mix enough so that there no longer seem to be separate parts or ingredients. [4 definitions] |
blender |
a machine used to prepare liquid foods by chopping and mixing at high speeds. |