bloodhound |
a large hound with a particularly keen sense of smell, long ears, and baggy skin, used chiefly for tracking humans or animals. |
bloodshed |
the spilling of blood through injury or violence, esp. the destruction of living beings; warfare. |
bloodshot |
(of eyes) showing dilated blood vessels; red and irritated. |
bloodstream |
the blood flowing within the circulatory system of a living organism. |
bloodthirsty |
eager to cause or attracted to acts of bloodshed; cruel. |
blood vessel |
any of the arteries, veins, or capillaries through which the blood circulates. |
bloody |
covered with or exuding blood. [4 definitions] |
bloom |
a flower; blossom. [8 definitions] |
blossom |
the flowering part of a plant which forms a seed or fruit. [4 definitions] |
blot |
a stain or spot, esp. of ink on paper. [8 definitions] |
blotch |
a large, irregularly shaped stain or blot. [4 definitions] |
blotter |
a piece of absorbent paper used to blot ink or to protect a writing surface. [2 definitions] |
blouse |
a garment worn on the upper body, usu. by women and children, and having a bodice and optional collar and sleeves. [4 definitions] |
blow1 |
a quick, forcible hit by the fist or by a hard object. [3 definitions] |
blow2 |
to be in swift motion, as the air or wind. [13 definitions] |
blowhole |
a single nostril in the top of the head, through which a whale or similar animal breathes. [3 definitions] |
blown |
swollen or bloated; inflated. [5 definitions] |
blow one's top |
(informal) to lose emotional control; become angry. |
blow over |
to subside; let up. |
blowtorch |
a portable oil-burning or gas-burning device producing an intense, localized flame suitable for melting or cutting metal. |
blow up |
to explode. [6 definitions] |