blue whale |
the largest whale, as much as one hundred feet long, with a bluish gray back, yellow undersides, and grooves running lengthwise on the throat and abdomen. |
bluff1 |
a hill or shoreline with a steep face. [3 definitions] |
bluff2 |
to mislead someone by using false pretenses. [6 definitions] |
blunder |
a careless or thoughtless mistake. [5 definitions] |
blunt |
having a dull edge or point; not sharp. [5 definitions] |
blur |
to cause to run together or become obscure or confused, as by smearing. [7 definitions] |
blurt |
to utter abruptly, awkwardly, and without discretion (often fol. by "out"). |
blush |
to become red in the face as an involuntary expression of shame, confusion, or other self-conscious discomfort. [7 definitions] |
bluster |
to blow noisily and in gusts, as the wind. [5 definitions] |
Blvd. |
abbreviation of "boulevard," a wide city street, often lined with trees or landscaped (used in a proper name). |
boa constrictor |
a large nonpoisonous snake native to the American tropics that is pale brown with darker markings and that coils around and crushes its prey. |
boar |
an uncastrated male pig. [3 definitions] |
board |
a flat, cut piece of lumber; plank. [9 definitions] |
boarding school |
an elementary or secondary school at which the students live as well as take classes. |
boast |
to talk with an excess of pride, esp. about oneself; brag. [5 definitions] |
boat |
a small, open vehicle for traveling on the surface of the water. [4 definitions] |
boathouse |
a small building or shed built near or partly over the water's edge, and used to store boats. |
bob1 |
a quick dipping motion; a nod up and down. [4 definitions] |
bob2 |
a style of short haircut, usu. for women and children. [5 definitions] |
bobbin |
a spool or spindle on which thread or yarn is wound for use in sewing, weaving, or the like. |
bobcat |
a North American wildcat with a rusty, spotted coat, tufted ears, and a short tail; bay lynx. |