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bow and scrape to behave with too much politeness.
bowel (usually plural) the long tube below the stomach that forms part of the digestive system; intestine.
bowl1 a deep, rounded dish used for holding food or liquid. [5 definitions]
bowl2 to play the game of bowling. [2 definitions]
bow-legged having legs that curve outward around or below the knees.
bowling a game in which a heavy ball is rolled along a wooden alley toward wooden pins that stand at the far end.
bowling alley a place where people go for bowling. [2 definitions]
bowl over to overwhelm with surprise; astonish.
bow out to stop taking part in an activity; leave or resign.
bow tie a short necktie tied in a simple, flat bow.
box1 a container made of stiff material that usually has four rectangular sides, a bottom, and a lid. [5 definitions]
box2 a hit or blow struck with the hand or fist. [3 definitions]
boxcar a railroad car that is enclosed on all sides. It is used for carrying freight.
boxer a person who fights with the fists as a sport or as a career. [2 definitions]
boxing2 the sport or style of fighting with the fists.
Boxing Day a holiday in England, Canada, and some other countries, celebrated on the first weekday after Christmas.
boy a male child or teenager. [2 definitions]
boycott to refuse to buy, use, or go to, in order to make a protest or bring about a change. [2 definitions]
boyfriend (informal) a favorite male friend or companion.
boyhood the state or period of life when one is a boy.
boyish having to do with or like a boy.