bowling alley |
a place where people go for bowling. [2 definitions] |
bowl over |
to overwhelm with surprise; astonish. |
bow out |
to stop taking part in an activity; leave or resign. |
bow tie |
a short necktie tied in a simple, flat bow. |
box1 |
a container made of stiff material that usually has four rectangular sides, a bottom, and a lid. [5 definitions] |
box2 |
a hit or blow struck with the hand or fist. [3 definitions] |
boxcar |
a railroad car that is enclosed on all sides. It is used for carrying freight. |
boxer |
a person who fights with the fists as a sport or as a career. [2 definitions] |
boxing2 |
the sport or style of fighting with the fists. |
Boxing Day |
a holiday in England, Canada, and some other countries, celebrated on the first weekday after Christmas. |
boy |
a male child or teenager. [2 definitions] |
boycott |
to refuse to buy, use, or go to, in order to make a protest or bring about a change. [2 definitions] |
boyfriend |
(informal) a favorite male friend or companion. |
boyhood |
the state or period of life when one is a boy. |
boyish |
having to do with or like a boy. |
Boy Scout |
a male member of a youth organization that teaches outdoor skills, physical fitness, and good citizenship. |
Boy Scouts of America |
an American organization for youth that teaches outdoor skills, good citizenship, and physical fitness. |
Br |
symbol of the chemical element bromine. |
brace |
something that holds things in position. [7 definitions] |
bracelet |
a band or chain worn around the wrist or arm as an ornament. |
braces |
metal wires and bands attached to the teeth to straighten them and bring them into proper position. [2 definitions] |