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brake1 a device for slowing or stopping the motion of a vehicle, wheel, or the like, esp. by friction. [5 definitions]
bramble any of various prickly shrubs or bushes, such as the blackberry or raspberry.
bran the husk of wheat and other cereal grains, left after the grain is ground and the flour or meal is sifted out.
branch a woody part that grows out from the main body of a tree or shrub; limb. [6 definitions]
branch out to expand into new activities, interests, or pursuits.
brand a particular make, kind, or variety of product, identified with a certain manufacturer by a specific name or mark. [8 definitions]
brand-new in an unused, fresh condition; completely new. [2 definitions]
brandy a strong alcoholic beverage made by distilling fermented fruit juice or wine. [2 definitions]
brass a yellow alloy consisting mainly of copper and zinc. [6 definitions]
brat an annoying, spoiled, or badly behaved child.
brave ready to face pain or danger; courageous. [6 definitions]
bravery the quality or condition of being brave; fearlessness; courage. [2 definitions]
bravo good! well done! (used to express approval). [4 definitions]
bray1 the cry uttered by a donkey. [5 definitions]
Brazil the largest South American country, on the Atlantic coast; United States of Brazil.
Brazilian of or pertaining to Brazil or its people, culture, language, or the like. [2 definitions]
breach the act, condition, or result of breaking or rupturing. [7 definitions]
bread a food made primarily with flour or meal and baked, usu. in a loaf shape. [4 definitions]
breadboard a board on which baked bread is cut or on which bread dough is kneaded. [2 definitions]
breadbox a kitchen container, usu. made of metal with an attached movable lid, used for storing bread.
breadth distance from side to side measured perpendicularly to length; width. [3 definitions]