brat |
a child who is spoiled or does not behave. |
brave |
ready to face pain or danger; courageous. [3 definitions] |
bravery |
the condition of being brave or of not feeling fear; courage. |
bravo |
"good!"; "well done!" |
bray1 |
the loud harsh sound that a donkey makes. [2 definitions] |
Brazil |
a country in eastern South America. Brasilia is the capital of Brazil. |
Brazilian |
of or having to do with Brazil or its people, culture, language, or the like. [2 definitions] |
breach |
an act of breaking a law or promise. [4 definitions] |
bread |
a food made by baking a dough of flour or meal. [2 definitions] |
breadboard |
a board used for cutting bread or used in the process of making bread. |
breadbox |
a kitchen container used for storing bread. It is usually made of metal and has a lid that can move to open or close the box. |
breadth |
the distance measured from one side to the other side of something; width. [2 definitions] |
breadwinner |
a member of a family or household who earns money to support the other members. |
break |
to cause to come apart into pieces; smash. [19 definitions] |
break down |
to stop working; become unable to function. [7 definitions] |
breakdown |
a failure to work or run correctly. [2 definitions] |
breaker1 |
a heavy ocean wave that breaks into foam on the shore or at sea. |
breakfast |
the first meal of the day, eaten in the morning. [2 definitions] |
break in |
to enter by force and illegally. [2 definitions] |
break the ice |
to relieve social tensions caused by formal conventions or awkwardness. |
breakthrough |
an important discovery in a particular field. A breakthrough solves a problem that has been preventing progress in achieving something or in gaining greater knowledge of something. |