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brilliant extremely shiny or bright; glittering. [5 definitions]
brim the top edge of a hollow object such as a cup; rim. [4 definitions]
brine water containing a high concentration of salt. [4 definitions]
bring to take, lead, or carry toward the speaker or from one place to another. [3 definitions]
bring about to cause to come into being; make happen.
brink the edge or brim of a slope or cliff. [2 definitions]
brisk active or energetic; lively; quick. [3 definitions]
bristle a short, stiff hair, esp. on an animal. [6 definitions]
Brit (informal) a person from Great Britain; Briton.
Britain the main island of the United Kingdom, located off the northwest coast of France and occupied by England, Scotland, and Wales; Great Britain. [2 definitions]
British of or pertaining to Great Britain or the United Kingdom, or its people, culture, language, or the like. [4 definitions]
British Columbia a Canadian province on the Pacific coast.
brittle easily broken, esp. along smooth fracture lines. [4 definitions]
broad wide; large; spacious. [6 definitions]
broadcast to transmit over television or radio. [9 definitions]
broaden to make or become broad.
brocade a fabric woven with a raised pattern. [2 definitions]
broccoli a cultivated subspecies of the cabbage, or the green flower buds and flowering stalk of this plant used for food.
broil1 to cook at high temperature with heat coming from one direction, as on a grill or in an oven. [6 definitions]
broiler a device used for broiling food, such as a grill, pan, or compartment in a stove. [2 definitions]
broke past tense of break. [2 definitions]